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ELL Resources

Implementing WIDA into Lesson Plans

Alabama ELL Resource Website

Colorin Colorado - Resources for Alabama and a variety of ELL resources

TransAct - Resources for translating school to home communications

TeachThought - 50 Resources for ELL educators

Reading Rockets -  Large reading resource, including a variety of ELL resources to use in the classroom

Teaching Channel - Teacher Toolkit for English Language Learners

Jasper City Schools - Policies, SIOP videos, handbook, and fact sheet

JCS-ELL-WIDA-resources and standards- ALSDE


Sheltered Instruction Video Series- To be watched by all new employees to the Jasper City School System. 


Alabama Framework for English Learner Success:

The Alabama Framework for English Learner Success is composed of the state’s vision and principles which are grounded in high-quality, evidence-based instruction, foundational for improving the state’s educational priorities, supports, programs, and practices for ELs.

ALSDE EL Guidebook 2024:

This document is intended to provide basic requirements and guidance for policies, procedures, and practices for identifying, assessing, and serving ELs.

EL Resource Guide:

Guide from Student Assessment provides detailed information about identification of an English Learner, attainment criteria, and information for educators responsible for administering WIDA Screener and ACCESS for ELLs.

EL Can Do Descriptors:

The Can Do Descriptors highlight what language learners can do at various stages of language development.