Alabama State Testing Program
The ACAP Summative Assessment is the new State Assessment given to all 2nd through 8th grade students in the Spring.
ACAP Parent- Family Guide to the ACAP Summative Assessment
Some features of the ACAP Summative Assessment are:
●Second grade will take the test, but their scores will only be used to measure growth for their 3rd grade year.
●There is a writing component in the tests for grades 4 through 8.
●Grades 4, 6, and 8 will take the Science portion (previously this was given in 5th and 7th grades).
●Sample test items for this assessment are available by clicking HERE
●Online Training Tools (OTT) - Student Practice for ACAP computer enhancement tools click HERE Students may access the OTT as often as needed or desired from either the classroom or home. The OTT runs on a standard Google Chrome web browser and can be accessed outside the school network.
ACAP Parent -Family Guide to the ACAP Alternate Assessment
ACAP Alternate Assessment (formerly known as the Alabama Alternate Assessment, or "AAA") administered in the Spring
Students in grades 2 - 8, 10 and 11 who have significant cognitive disabilities will participate in the AAA. They are tested in the same curriculum areas as their general education counterparts. The assessment is based upon the Alabama Alternative Standards which allow students to demonstrate mastery through task performance.
PreACT grade 10 administered in the Fall
This assessment is administered to 10th grade students in the fall. It mirrors the ACT they will take in the 11th grade. The purpose is to establish a baseline for growth to be measured after the ACT with Writing administration the following year. These results are not used for accountability.
The ACT with Writing grade 11 administered in the Spring
All students in the 11th grade are required to participate in the administration of this assessment. The ACT with Writing is an entrance exam which is accepted by colleges and universities throughout the country. It is also used as an accountability measure for Alabama high schools. Additionally, students who meet or exceed the benchmark score for any subtest on the ACT are considered to be college ready by ALSDE and contribute positively to our system's college and career readiness indicator component of the accountability model.
ACT Workkeys grade 12 administered in the Fall.
ACT WorkKeys® tests are research-based measures of foundational work skills essential to career success across industries and occupations. The assessments help to close skill gaps and improve workforce quality. This assessment is administered to students in grade 12. Students who earn a silver standard or higher on all three component tests are considered to be career ready by ALSDE and positively affect the college and career readiness indicator for accountability.
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 administered to all EL students in the Spring
English Learners (EL) students are administered this assessment annually to measure their progress with acquisition of the English language. They are assessed in four domains: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing.
Assessment Materials for Educators & Parents
●Sample test items for the ACAP Summative assessment are available by clicking HERE
●Online Training Tools (OTT) - Student Practice for ACAP computer enhancement tools click HERE Students may access the OTT as often as needed or desired from either the classroom or home. The OTT runs on a standard Google Chrome web browser and can be accessed outside the school network.
Student Achievement Reports
- CLICK HERE - Direct link to ALSDE Website for current and previous Disaggregated Achievement Reports for ELA, Math & Science Assessments
Information is under Reports & Data, School Performance, Proficiency. Data is available for all School Systems in Alabama. Should you have any questions, contact the Assessment Coordinator at Jasper City Schools. - Jasper City Schools' ACAP Summative Assessment Results - 2022-2023
- Jasper City Schools' ACAP Alternate Assessment Results- 2022-2023
- ACT with Writing Assessment Results - 2022-2023
Student Incident Reports (SIR)
JCS Student Incident Report (2017-2018)
JCS Student Incident Report (2018-2019)
JCS Student Incident Report (January, 2020)
Jasper High School Student Incident Report (2021-2022)
Jasper Junior High Student Incident Report (2021-2022)
Maddox Intermediate School Student Incident Report (2021-2022)
Memorial Park Elementary School Student Incident Report (2021-2022)
T. R. Simmons Elementary Schools Student Incident Report (2021-2022)
Jasper High School Student Incident Report (2022-2023)
Jasper Junior High School Student Incident Report (2022-2023)
Maddox Intermediate School Student Incident Report (2022-2023)
Memorial Park Elementary School Student Incident Report (2022-2023)
T.R. Simmons Elementary School Student Incident Report (2022-2023)